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Soil Stabilization & Access Roads for Landfills

The GEOWEB® system offers landfill design and closure solutions for stormwater containment and control, erosion protection, and access roadways.

The GEOWEB system protects liners for closure caps and stormwater ponds. Access roads can be built using sand or other low-cost fill. Slopes can be designed steeper increasing landfill capacity and land utilization. Conveyance channels can be built with less expensive smaller aggregate or with poured-in-place concrete that remains flexible. The GEOWEB system maintains strength and integrity even with subgrade movement and high settlement (up to a foot or more).

Landfill Applications

GEOWEB Liner Protection

GEOWEB Liner Protection

GEOWEB Stormwater Control

GEOWEB Stormwater Control

GEOWEB Liner Protection

GEOWEB Liner Protection

GEOWEB Stormwater Control

GEOWEB Stormwater Control

Discover More Benefits

GEOWEB Benefits for Access Roads

  • GEOWEB roads allow use of local infill to create stable, low-cost access roads in, on, and around the landfill.
  • The 3D geocell system keeps infill stable, increasing haul speed & improving cycle times, and reducing surface maintenance.
  • GEOWEB roads are especially beneficial in soft soil environments, as they can maintain the roadway’s integrity even in high settlement areas.

GEOWEB Benefits for Erosion Control

  • The GEOWEB structure with confined infill resists sheet water flow on channel and slope embankments, protecting the underlying soils that protect pipeline supports, road embankments and geomembrane liners from movement and erosion.
  • Allows the design of steeper slopes—enabling larger capacity landfill structures.
  • Whether to prevent slope erosion or protect steep pipeline supports from undermining and scour, the GEOWEB structure mitigates erosion and provides a quick, yet durable means to keep supporting soils in place.
  • Control stormwater flow and erosion in areas where access roads cut into the side of landfills, requiring steep low side and steep high side roadway shoulder slopes.

GEOWEB Benefits for Liner Protection

  • Protects and prevents damage to impervious liners for closure caps and stormwater ponds.
  • Allows cover system to be vegetated, aggregate armored, or a flexible concrete solution.
  • Allows slopes to be designed steeper than when soils are unconfined.
  • A complete system solution with integral tendons and ATRA® load transfer clips can be suspended over a liner, protecting and maintaining its integrity.
  • Installs and infills quickly when compared to formed reinforced concrete, reducing construction schedules.

GEOWEB Benefits for Stormwater Channels

  • With vegetation, aggregate or concrete infill, is more economical than rip-rap, gabions or reinforced concrete channels for on-site stormwater channels.
  • Confinement allows a smaller, easier-to-handle aggregate to resist design flow conditions.  When compared to rip-rap or gabions, this is a considerable economic and schedule benefit, especially where large rip-rap is not available or is expensive.
  • Allows the concrete reinforcement to be designed up to 50% less concrete depth than reinforced concrete sections that are relatively thick and expensive to install.
  • GEOWEB concrete protection is also FLEXIBLE, so it conforms to the subgrade soils and can accommodate settlement as much as a foot or more.