Our mission is to give the world a strong foundation to build on. Geosynthetics play a tremendous role in preserving the environment and building toward a more sustainable planet Earth. This Earth Day, we wanted to recognize this fact by sharing our updated mission statement and philosophy. Over the past several months, the team at Presto Geosystems met to discuss our mission, goals, and role in overcoming challenges related to climate change and environmental protection. Every day, we strive to lead the way for sustainable development that will improve the quality of life and foster opportunities for communities around the world. From these conversations, we tried to encapsulate this idea into a simple mission statement and philosophy that we can build upon as we continue to challenge ourselves and our industry. With the introduction of geocell soil confinement technology in the early 1980s, Presto Geosystems made history as one of the early pioneers in the world of geosynthetics. Four decades later, that innovative spirit is as alive today as it was at the beginning of our journey. Our products have been used on every continent and on thousands of projects to improve infrastructure reliability and environmental quality for communities around… Read more »
Monthly Archives: April 2021
Designing and Building Sustainable Multi-Use Trails Using 3D Soil Confinement

Trails and greenways play a vital role in communities by preserving and creating open spaces for low or no-cost outdoor recreation. They encourage people to get outside and safely explore environmentally sensitive areas that would otherwise be difficult or dangerous to access. Trails also function as a safe transportation corridor for those who commute by foot or bicycle. When talking about recreational trails, it’s also important to acknowledge the economic impact they have on communities. Many recreational trails across the country are revenue-generating tourist destinations that positively impact local economies. Fundamentals of Good Recreational Trail Design There are three key considerations to good trail design: reinforcement, drainage, and confinement of surface materials. These are critical components required to withstand repeated traffic loading, resist degradation from erosion, and minimize environmental impact. Finding economical and low-maintenance solutions to stabilize trails and greenways can be difficult. It is even more challenging in poor soil environments or environmentally sensitive areas where minimal disturbance is allowed, or where paving or filling within an existing floodplain or coastal area is limited by local, state, or federal regulations. Presto Geosystems’ soil stabilization solutions overcome these challenges by providing low environmental impact options that offer long-term stability for… Read more »