Designing Naturally Vegetated & Hard-Armored Retaining Walls with the GEOWEB System Presented by Sam Justice – 1.0 PDH Earned

Retaining wall systems are used to hold back earth and achieve grade separation between two adjacent points at different elevations. There are many types of retaining wall systems, including concrete, steel, gabions, sheet piling, and reinforced soil. The GEOWEB® Retaining Wall System, in general, belongs to the reinforced soil category. Depending on the slope angle and site conditions, retaining wall systems are commonly referred to as gravity walls, reinforced walls, or reinforced soil slopes. GEOWEB retaining walls make it possible to stabilize soil at the face of the wall or slope with a naturally vegetated fascia. The GEOWEB system’s open-celled terraces create a natural environment for sustainable vegetation and allow stormwater infiltration. GEOWEB walls conform well to landscape contours, are resistant to environmental degradation, and install 25-30% faster than MSE block walls. Learning Objectives: Learn about the different types of retaining wall systems that can be built with the GEOWEB system. Understand the design of the GEOWEB Retaining Wall System. Learn how the features of the GEOWEB retaining walls and what sets them apart from other types of walls. Learn about the free design tools and software offered by Presto Geosystems.

Extend the Life of Paved/Unpaved Roadways With the GEOWEB 3D Confinement System Presented by José Pablo George

When paved and unpaved roadway surfaces are built over weak subgrades, base deterioration can lead to degradation. This causes unwanted deflections, rutting, and cracking in the surface layer. Using the GEOWEB® 3D Soil Stabilization System reduces the vertical pressure on roadways and provides a high-stiffness foundation. This increases the load capacity of the subgrade allowing it to more effectively handle heavy and repeated vehicle leads. In the base layer under hard pavements, confinement of aggregate significantly reduces movement and settlement, increasing the life of the pavement. Unpaved roadways also benefit from a more stable surface that performs as an on-site stormwater “detention” basin, promoting infiltration at the source and reducing runoff. Learning Objectives: Understand the benefits of using the GEOWEB Soil Stabilization System to stabilize surfaces for unpaved roads using low-quality fill. Discover how 3D-confined base material reduces cross-section and provides a more stable base, especially over soft subgrade soils. Learn how the GEOWEB system reduces vertical pressure and subbase movement. Learn how to design pavement that will help meet on-site stormwater regulations and low environmental impact goals.

Introduction to the GEOWEB MSE Retaining Wall Design Software Presented by Sam Justice

Presto offers its free GEOWEB® MSE design software for gravity and reinforced wall applications. Create vegetated and non-vegetated MSE structures based on the GEOWEB® system inputs for reinforced slopes, and gravity and reinforced walls. The software is based on industry-standard design methods and contains specific algorithms that capture the unique interaction between the GEOWEB® system, retained, foundation, and reinforced soil, specific factors of safety, and geogrid reinforcement, if applicable. In this webinar, we will provide an in-depth tour of the MSE wall design software. You will learn how to navigate the software and input simple data to create a full-graphic design analysis and cross-sectional drawing. Learning Objectives: Learn about the different types of retaining wall systems that can be built with the GEOWEB system. Gain an understanding of how the MSE Wall Design Software functions and the supporting design theory. Learn how the software performs an analysis with simple data input screens for both gravity and reinforced systems. Learn about real-world applications through an overview of case studies.

Repair & Reduce Slope Erosion with the GEOWEB® System Presented by José Pablo George

Earthen slopes are naturally susceptible to erosion due to gravity, water, and surcharge loads. Slope failure can lead to unsightly conditions, landscape and property damage, and costly repairs. The GEOWEB® 3D Soil Stabilization System protects soil slopes against these erosive forces. Even extremely steep or tall slopes can be secured with the GEOWEB system. Multiple types of infill and anchoring methods allow for project customization, resulting in a low-maintenance and attractive slope for years to come. Learning Objectives: Understand the causes of slope surface erosion and how they lead to slope failure. Learn how the GEOWEB system can protect slopes against erosive forces. Learn how to apply GEOWEB Slope Protection Systems in a variety of project conditions. Know when the GEOWEB system is applicable, even on very steep slopes.