Posts Tagged: landfills

Using GEOWEB Geocells in Landfill Capping Applications

Written by: Cory Schneider, Business Development Manager When contaminated material such as landfill waste or contaminated soil is encountered, there are typically two options available—removal of the material or placing a “cap” over it. In most cases, capping is the easier and more cost-effective of the two options. Caps serve to isolate the contaminated material, preventing people and wildlife from coming into contact with it. Factors Influencing Landfill Cap Design Landfill cap design for any particular site depends on many factors, including the type and quantity of contaminants, size of site, amount of rainfall, and future use of the area. It can consist of one or several of the following: asphalt or concrete, vegetative layer, drainage layer, and/or an impervious layer (geomembrane or compacted clay). Preventing Slope Erosion with Advanced Geosynthetic Technology When using vegetative covers, especially in sloped areas, one of the best ways to prevent long-term erosion of the cap is to confine the topsoil component using geosynthetics like the GEOWEB Soil Stabilization System (geocells). The GEOWEB Geocells, which are three-dimensional ultrasonically welded strips of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), create small pockets to hold soil in place. By doing so, the system prevents erosion or sloughing when the soil… Read more »