Tennessee Residential Driveway
— Knoxville, TN
The GEOPAVE Gravel Pavers provide permeable and aesthetically pleasing residential driveway near Tennessee River. Continue Reading >
Eureka Trail Athens Trailhead Improvements
— Athens, Tennessee
The Eureka Trail, which follows the path of a former rail line and connects the City of Athens and… Continue Reading >
White House Emergency Access Lane & US Capital Access Roadway
— East Executive Drive, Washington DC
Project 1: The GEOBLOCK® Grass Pavers were installed at the White House lawn in 1985 to preserve green space and… Continue Reading >
Soka University Vegetated Vehicle Access Lanes & Roads
— Aliso Viejo, CA
Environmental Design Vision Soka University is located in Aliso Viejo, California, inland from the City of Laguna Beach. The Soka… Continue Reading >
GEOBLOCK Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church Porous Grass Parking
— Knoxville, Tennessee
Porous Pavements Help Church Meet Low-impact Parking Improvement Goals. The Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church low-impact parking improvements project began as… Continue Reading >
Cox Creek Spillway Improvements Access Road
— Baltimore, Maryland
GEOTERRA Mats Offer Long-Term, Low-Impact Access in an Environmentally-Sensitive Area of Maryland's Critical Tidal Zone. Continue Reading >