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What Are Geocells Used For?

Geocells are used for load support, slope stabilization, erosion control, channel protection, and retaining walls. In paved roads, they stabilize the base layer to reduce settlement and pavement degradation, while in unpaved roads, they reinforce the surface to prevent rutting and improve durability. On slopes, geocells confine soil for long-term stability, and in retaining walls, they enhance structural integrity even in poor base conditions. They also support vegetation, allow stormwater infiltration, and provide a faster, more adaptable alternative to traditional construction methods. For erosion control, geocells minimize soil loss and reduce channel degradation, ensuring effective stormwater management.

How Do Geocells Work to Stabilize Soils?

Through an interconnected honeycomb-like network, 3D geocells confine and stabilize soils that would otherwise be unstable under loading. Geocells are efficient and economical for fast-built unpaved roadways and retaining walls, erosion control of slopes, and stormwater control in channels.

The Original Geocell Soil Stabilization System

Presto Geosystems invented geocells in the late 1970s and has been leading geocell technology ever since with important product advancements, design, and construction accessories for higher performance and faster installation.

The GEOWEB® System is the industry’s most complete geocell system designed with fully engineered components to withstand the most challenging site problems. Made from robust high-density polyethylene (HDPE), GEOWEB geocells offer the highest, longest-lasting, and most proven performance of any geocell system in civil applications. Made in the USA.

Load Support  |  Slope Protection  |  Shorelines  |  Channel Protection  |  Retaining Walls

GEOWEB® Geocells Benefits

Geocell System
ATRA® Stake Clips, Anchors & Drivers
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Geocells system application

Original Geocell Inventors.

We are the original developers of geocells and Genuine GEOWEB, ultrasonic welding, perforations, texture, ATRA Keys, ATRA Anchors, and ATRA Tendon Clips.

geocell HDPE material

Virgin HDPE Material.

Presto uses a unique blend of ONLY VIRGIN resin to assure consistent, reproducible, and long-lasting performance.

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Strongest Weld Strength.

GEOWEB material delivers welds that far outperform the competition with continually tested, traceable production for project assurance.

presto geosystems geocells

I-Slots for Fast Section Connection & Tendon Threading.

Another Presto original, the oval I-slot allows the use of the ATRA Tendon Clips to transfer loads to tendons and ATRA Keys for faster, stronger geocell connections.

geocell system with equipment

Flexible “Bend, Don’t Break” Material Characteristics.

GEOWEB material is made from elastic resin, and unlike stiffer and recycled blends, delivers higher hoop strengths and passive earth resistance.

geocell research graphic

Storied History of Accredited Research.

Since we stood on Virginia Beach with the US Army Corps of Engineers, the GEOWEB system has undergone over 100 studies over the span of 40 years and in five continents.

Manufactured Under Exacting ISO and CE Standards.

GEOWEB geocells are only manufactured by the highest quality equipment and certified facilities with quality and traceability guaranteed. BABA approved.

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atra stake clips support anchor drivers

ATRA Stake Clip Designed for Anchors, GEOWEB Cell Wall Connection.

The anchor’s flanged arms make secure connections with the GEOWEB cell walls or tendons, unlike J-hooks that only make a loose connection.

atra stake clips for support

ATRA Stake Clips Fit Standard Rebar/Rods.

ATRA Stake Clips are available to fit either #4 rebar, or 10-12 mm diameter rod.

atra stake clips anchor driver

ATRA Anchors Easier, Faster to Drive than J-Hooks.

The ATRA Anchor is driven more easily than the curved J-hooks, where the driving force is offset from the center of gravity. ATRA Stake Clips and rebar drive true and easily as energy from the hammer is aligned 100% with the target.

atra stake clip on geocell

Secure Connection with GEOWEB Cell Walls.

The ATRA Stake Clip arm slides securely over the GEOWEB cell wall and positions the rebar along the cell wall offering full length resistance for the height of the cell wall.


ATRA Driver is Efficient. Drives Anchors 10X Faster than with a Sledge Hammer.

A special ATRA GAD attaches to pneumatic drivers and fits securely over ATRA Anchors for fast and efficient driving of anchors. Reduces worker fatigue. Beneficial in hard soils or with high anchor density. Available in Hilti or SDS Max formats.

History of Geocells

Presto Geosystems introduced their geocell trademarked GEOWEB® to the civil engineering community in the early 1980s. In the commercial market, GEOWEB geocells solve many site problems from steep slopes to shorelines, and channels to multi-layered vegetated retaining walls, mining, oil & gas, and wind / solar roads, railroads, ports, dams and landfills. See History of Geocells

Several cell sizes and depths are available to meet project and application requirements. Meets Build America, Buy America (BABA) requirements.